Vision, Mission and Goals
Strong Start® began as a community project in 2001 to help ensure that all children learn to read. It is supported through:
- financial donations from charitable foundations, service clubs, corporations, community groups, and individuals.
- gifts of time and talents from thousands of volunteers who experience the joy of making a difference in the lives of many children.
- hundreds of program delivery partners.
Strong Start is a registered children’s charity with Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (#825948060RR0001). Strong Start issues official receipts for income tax purposes.
Our Vision:
All children read.
Our Mission:
We help children learn to read by providing unique programs and services through community-wide partnerships.
Our Goals:
- Assist young children in learning essential early reading skills.
- Build community by encouraging those who live and work in the community to be involved in supporting its children.
- Provide a meaningful volunteer opportunity.
Literacy skills are one of the strongest indicators of a child’s future success in life. The percentage of the population that reads at an acceptable level is a great predictor of the success of a community in maintaining economic growth and an excellent quality of life. Therefore, the community as a whole needs to take responsibility for helping children learn to read.