Kenny’s story, as shared by mother, Nicole Dunkley
When we received a letter from our sons’ school asking permission to have him join the Strong Start program, we had no idea what it was. But we are glad this wonderful program found us!
Kenny is an SK student and was in the 10-week program, 3 days a week. We can’t believe the push the program gave him. At the start of the program, he was reading at level one. By the end of the 10-weeks he was reading at level three and excitingly trying to get to level four!
The extra one-on-one care given to him by his “special teacher,”as he referred to the volunteer, gave him the boost he needed to really get into letters and words. The learning style was fun for him. He was very proud of the stars on his letter and word ring of cards and of the sentence strips he brought home with him. The encouragement he received gave him the confidence to explore more books at home. Without this extra care, he may have fallen behind his peers, but now he is right on track.
Thank you Strong Start for making my little guy feel proud, confident and special. Thank you for giving him the basic skills he needs to continue on the path to learning success!