Story by Dawn, Volunteer Coach, Hespeler Public School
“I have been involved in the Strong Start® program as a volunteer coach since 2004. The program has been very rewarding, both for me as a volunteer, and for my son who was involved in the program when he was in Senior Kindergarten. My son, Quinn, was recommended for the Strong Start® program because he was not strong in any of the strands (Letters, Sounds or Words). The program gave Quinn the boost he needed. He is now eight years old and in Grade 3 French Immersion. His English reading level is exceptional. Quinn says, “I think reading is fun because I like reading my gaming manuals for my Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii. Strong Start® made me a stronger reader.”
I became a volunteer after Quinn went through the program. I wanted to help other children reach their potential. As a volunteer, I definitely see improvement in the students chosen to complete the program. The games are fun, and children enjoy the one-on-one time with their coach. It has been especially rewarding for me to see the excitement and confidence on a student’s face once they start to excel in the program. To give a young student this kind of boost is something I will never forget. I believe very strongly in the Strong Start® program. I hope we can continue to get more volunteers to help make a difference in a child’s life.”