Brene Brown once said stories are data with a soul. The Baby Connections® program encourages and empowers parents to “be their child’s first teacher”, engaging their babies in quality face-to-face interactions that promote healthy brain, language and early literacy development. Their stories of gaining confidence as parents and anecdotes of new ways they now interact with their babies touch our hearts. We have stories of parents who are much more in tune to their babies and babies who delight in the one-to-one positive attention and interactions with their parents/caring adults.
Every parent/caring adult and every baby is unique, as is their experience in this program. Do you have a Baby Connections story you wish to tell us? Send us an email to babyconnections@strongstart.ca.
Featured Stories

My Baby's Reading Journey
I first heard about the Baby Connections program through a friend, when I was about nine months into my maternity leave. My daughter, Claire, was one of the older babies enrolled in the program at the Early Years Centre. Baby Connections is a wonderful opportunity for parents to learn how they can promote their children’s early literacy development.

Snuggle Up and Read
There are so many benefits to reading to babies – from encouraging early language and brain development to fostering imagination. But most of all, reading together creates a special bond between parent and child.