Each year, Strong Start relies on the gifts of time of thousands of caring individuals who go above and beyond to help children learn to read. Whether they are working one-on-one with children in local schools, helping small groups of children in community centres, or assembling program materials at our office, we couldn’t do what we do without their support. We truly are better together!
During this National Volunteer Week– and every week throughout the year – we want to express our sincere thank you for all you do to make a difference in the lives of young learners. When a child learns to read, the whole world opens up for them. Volunteers are making this happen.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers and the 20th anniversary of Strong Start. As we celebrate the theme of National Volunteer Week, The Value of One, the Power of Many, we reflect on the incredible gift of time our volunteers have provided. Over the 20 years, nearly 40,000 volunteers have given over 570,000 hours of volunteer time to help 49,000 children learn to read. We couldn’t do what we do without your help. It is a true partnership.
In these unprecedented times, we recognize your volunteer commitments may have been interrupted. We sincerely hope that when our programs resume, our volunteers will be healthy and ready to return to the schools and community centres where our programs operate. Your gift of time to help children learn to read will be more important than ever.
We invite you to join us in celebrating and applauding amazing Strong Start volunteers, just like you, by tweeting @Strong_Start using the hashtag #NVW2021 and #VolunteersBringChange, liking us on Facebook and connecting with us on Instagram. We also invite you to read stories from other volunteers, and families here.
Do you have an experience you would like to share? Send us an e-mail at info@strongstart.ca. We would love to hear from you.
With a heartfelt and sincere thank you,
The Strong Start Team