Make a Tribute Gift
Tribute gifts can be made in honour of a loved one who has passed away, to celebrate a special occasion, or to mark a milestone. Weddings, holidays, birthday parties and retirements are all wonderful opportunities to support a cause you care about.
When making a gift, please provide the name and contact information of the person you would like us to notify in acknowledgement of your contribution. Strong Start will send a card on your behalf with an appropriate message or one you have provided. Gifts made online through CanadaHelps also provide an opportunity to send a personalized e-card to a recipient.
You can bring friends, family and co-workers together to support literacy by creating a Fundraising page on CanadaHelps. Share your page with everyone you know by e-mail and social media.
To discuss a tribute gift, please contact our Development Office by calling 519-743-9578 ext. 104 or e-mail or enter your online donation details at CanadaHelps.